• Florida Health Justice STORIES

    Profound injustices plague Florida's health coverage systems: failure to expand Medicaid, lack of long-term care resources, barriers to care for children, immigrants and the elderly, and the risk of cutbacks to the state’s vital but underfunded Medicaid program. We share the STORIES of Floridians impacted by these issues because health justice is not only about health law and policy, it's about people.

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    Medicaid |

    The Lived Experience

    Dr. Tina Carroll-Scott | Miami Dade County

    Dr. Tina Carroll-Scott shares her experience with Medicaid in Florida, and how her patients benefit from having this healthcare coverage.


    Rosaline | North Miami, FL

    Medicaid Expansion


    Rosaline | North Miami, FL

    When her youngest son turned 18, Rosaline was left without access to affordable healthcare and thousands of dollars in debt for emergency room visits.


    See More Medicaid Expansion STORIES

    Japheth | Florida

    Medicaid | The Lived Experience

    Fatima | Miami-Dade County, Florida

    Fatima shares her experience with Medicaid in Florida, and how it helps her afford healthcare for her granddaughter.


    See More Medicaid The Lived Experience STORIES



    Antonia | Miami, FL

    Elder Health

    Antonia | Miami, FL

    When Antonia goes to the dentist for the maintenance care that she needs, she is turned away. It is always the same response: “Your insurance does not cover dental care.”


    See More Elder Health STORIES



    Shirely| Jacksonville, FL

    Long-Term Care

    Shirley | Jacksonville, FL

    After a stroke, Shirley cannot even get out of bed without the use of a special lift, which requires trained aides to operate. And while Medicaid home health aides take care of her during the week, moving her from her bed to a wheel chair, her managed care plan stopped sending aides on the weekend. She has been forced to spend entire weekends in her bed.


    See More Long-Term Care STORIES

    Mark | South Florida

    Immigrant Health

    Mark | South FL

    “I have been an educator for over 13 years, and I know the important role that education has in the lives of immigrant families and their children. When they are healthy, children can be in the classroom, and that is where great things can happen!”


    See More Immigrant Health STORIES


    Michael | Orlando, FL

    Floridians Impacted By COVID-19

    Michael | Orlando, FL

    Before Covid-19 hit Central Florida, Michael Smith scraped together a living running his own small business. He doesn’t have health insurance but has medical needs, including asthma he manages on his own.


    See More Floridians Impacted by COVID-19 STORIES



    Miriam | Miami, FL

    Care for Uninsured

    Miriam | Miami, FL

    Miriam, a resourceful single parent, thought the battle was over when she survived cancer and had a job with insurance. But then she lost her job during COVID, and old cancer treatment bills were sent to collections.


    See More Care for Uninsured STORIES

  • Share Your Story

    Join us in working for health justice in Florida. Let your voice be heard! Please contact us if you or a family member need health care and are:

    • An uninsured Floridian between the ages of 50-64.
    • A low-income worker.
    • A parent of a minor child.
    • A pregnant woman.
    • Someone struggling with injury or illness, including mental illness.
    • A senior struggling to remain at home and out of a nursing home.
    • A person who has benefited from being on Medicaid, or had a family member who has benefited.

    Sharing your story --in your words and your voice-- is essential. Together we'll make the case that everyone should have affordable accessible health care.

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    Make sure you always receive the latest STORIES of Floridians

    who need the benefit of expanded health care coverage.

  • Support The STORIES Project

    Your support will help us educate decision-makers, the media, and the public about the impact of health law and policy on individual Floridians and their families.

  • We are grateful to the following funders for support of the STORIES Project:

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