• Medicaid | The Lived Experience:

    Unwinding the Continuous Coverage Requirement

    After the pandemic-related Medicaid continuous coverage requirement ended March 31, 2023, the Department of Children and Families (DCF) began redetermining the eligibility of Florida’s enrollees and sending termination notices to those deemed no longer eligible or who failed to complete their renewal within 30 days. The notices are extremely confusing and often lack adequate explanation as to why DCF determined the person(s) to be ineligible, some terminations are clearly erroneous, and people are generally unaware of their right to appeal or how to do so. The personal narratives below, as well as multiple stories in national and state media, illustrate how Florida’s redetermination process is hurting vulnerable children and families.

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    At Least 2 Million Children Have Lost Medicaid Insurance This Year

    Many of the children were eligible for federal aid, experts said, but errors have been common as states “unwind” assistance from earlier in the coronavirus pandemic. Christina describes the harm caused to her family after her kids were erroneously terminated from Medicaid twice.

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    The Biden Administration Is Slow To Act As Millions Are Booted Off Medicaid

    Up to 30 million of the poorest Americans could be purged from the Medicaid program, many the result of error-ridden state reviews. Lily and her FHJP lawyer describe how the state erroneously terminated Lily‘s Medicaid on 2 different occasions.

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    Hundreds of thousands of children are being kicked off of Medicaid

    Once they lose Medicaid –even if still eligible– “regaining coverage can be frustrating and time-consuming. Over several weeks, Tanya spent hours on hold trying to restore her kids’ insurance."

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    Class action challenges Florida’s termination notices

    Over 182,000 Floridians have been sent incomprehensible termination notices. FHJP and NHelP allege that many have no idea if the State is making the right decision and whether (or how) to challenge the termination if they think it is wrong.

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    Millions may soon lose Medicaid

    Under Florida’s Plan, children with complex medical needs like Penelope were supposed to have their redeterminations postponed until the end of the Medicaid “unwind” period.

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    Florida declining help with Medicaid unwinding

    The federal waivers aim to reduce the risk of eligible families losing Medicaid coverage due to procedural errors.

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    Staggering numbers of Americans lose coverage

    Since pandemic protections ended on April 1, those initially losing coverage include Florida children with complex medical conditions. FHJP is helping them.

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    Florida Medicaid changes leave some scrambling

    Florida has purged kids younger than 21 with medically complex conditions until next spring, a variation from their plan for Medicaid redeterminations.

  • The STORIES, Media and Information

    Tania & Kaylee

    Orange County, FL

    For fifteen years, Medicaid has provided Kaylee the ability to fight the odds and thrive in spite of the severe neurological disorder she was born with. Suddenly, Kaylee’s mother Tania was informed, like so many other parents of medically complex children in Florida, that on Easter Sunday her daughter would be losing the healthcare coverage that has been her lifeline.


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    Problems with Florida's Medicaid "Unwind"

    December 2023

    This video, the second is a 2-part series, features lawyers from the National Health Law Program and the Florida Health Justice Project explaining why they filed a class action challenging Florida’s Medicaid termination notices; why the issues are so important; who the Plaintiffs are; and what brought this litigation team together.


    Watch Video 

    Problems With Florida's Medicaid "Unwind"

    December 2023

    ​This video, the first in a 2-part series, tells the story of Floridians struggling with Florida’s Medicaid unwind problems. Their lived experiences include dealing with unintelligible notices; an unavailable call center; uninformed staff; medically complex kids prematurely cut off and erroneous terminations.


    Watch Video 

    Rhea | Volusia County, FL

    Volusia County, FL

    Lives derailed: Improper Medicaid terminations are leaving vulnerable Floridians and their families in danger.


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    Penelope Chapter 2 | Palm Beach County, FL

    Palm Beach County, FL

    After a sudden termination, a mother successfully fought to have her medically complex five year old reinstated on Medicaid. Months later, Penelope’s Medicaid has again been cut off without notice, and her mother is struggling to get her covered before the out-of-pocket expenses pile up.

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    Wayne | Florida

    Palm Beach County, FL

    After Wayne, a quadriplegic elderly man, received unexpected notice that his Medicaid would be terminated at the end of October 2023, he was unable to get answers as to why his Medicaid was ending and what if anything he needed to do to fix it. Terrified he would lose his life sustaining healthcare, he had to find a lawyer to help.


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    Ronald and Steve | Florida


    "Glitch" causes panic for long-term care Medicaid enrollees and caregivers.


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    Theresa and Sally | Lee County, FL

    Lee County, FL

    Daughter frantically seeks answers after 91-year-old mother's Medicaid disenrollment scare


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    Tatwayna and Marie* | Orange County, FL

    Orange County, FL

    Tatwayna’s child, who needs round-the-clock nursing care, was suddenly and incorrectly cut off Medicaid. Tatwayna spent countless hours unsuccessfully trying to get DCF to fix the error.


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    Problems with Florida's Medicaid "Unwind"

    December 21, 2023

    This video, the second is a 2-part series, features lawyers from the National Health Law Program and the Florida Health Justice Project explaining why they filed a class action challenging Florida’s Medicaid termination notices; why the issues are so important; who the Plaintiffs are; and what brought this litigation team together. More information on the video series can be found here.


    Watch Video  

    Problems With Florida's Medicaid "Unwind"

    December 14, 2023

    This video, the first in a 2-part series, tells the story of Floridians struggling with Florida’s Medicaid unwind problems. Their lived experiences include dealing with unintelligible notices; an unavailable call center; uninformed staff; medically complex kids prematurely cut off and erroneous terminations.


    Watch Video  

    Lance | St. Lucie County, FL


    Lance’s 15 year-old son, who has type 1 diabetes, was terminated from Medicaid. It took Lance more than two months–and untold hours of effort and worry–to fix it.


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    Penelope | Palm Beach County, FL

    Palm Beach County, FL

    With no notice, a medically complex five year old who depends on daily medications and ongoing treatments suddenly lost her Medicaid. Her family is now frantically seeking insurance for their daughter.


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    Christina | FL


    Christina’s 4 minor children are clearly eligible for Medicaid. And yet they were terminated twice for allegedly not “renewing on time.”



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    Jessica | Clay County, FL

    Clay County, FL

    After a confusing DCF notice implied that Jessica’s kids were losing Medicaid and would be transferred to Florida KidCare, Kidcare then denied their coverage and sent them back to Medicaid.


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    Michael W. | Seminole, FL

    Seminole, FL

    After struggling with Parkinson's, Michael was finally enrolled in Florida’s Long-Term Care Waiver program in 2022, allowing him to receive needed services at home. But just a year later, his Medicaid was improperly terminated, resulting in the loss of his essential in-home services and thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket expenses for his family.


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    Andrew and JoEllen | Citrus County, FL

    Citrus County, FL

    When a profoundly disabled young man was about to be wrongfully terminated from Medicaid, his stepmother quickly filed a pre-termination appeal. This ensured there would be no interruption in his life sustaining nursing services; but the termination never should have happened.


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    Laurie and Adam | Jackson County, FL

    Jackson County, FL

    Laurie’s son, who has type 1 diabetes, cannot lose health insurance. His Medicaid was not scheduled for redetermination until March 2024. But she got a confusing notice in September 2023 saying her son would lose Medicaid at the end of the month, and she's spent panicked days trying to ensure his ongoing coverage.


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    AnaMaria | Palm Beach County, FL

    Palm Beach County, FL

    AnaMaria, a chronically ill single working mother, and her 20 year old son just lost their Medicaid coverage due to Florida’s meager income-limit for adults.


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    NPR Article

    St. Lucie County, FL

    After a series of incomprehensible notices incorrectly ending her children’s health coverage, Kirsten’s kids are finally back on Medicaid. But fixing the problem was incredibly time-consuming, and Kirsten is afraid it could happen again.


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    Lily | Miami, FL

    Miami, FL

    Lily, seven months pregnant, was erroneously terminated from Medicaid, and she had to spend countless hours getting her insurance back. 


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    NPR Article

    Miami-Dade County, FL

    A young mother is wrongly terminated from Medicaid for no reason and then denied a new application for the wrong reason. She speaks no English and is seeking answers for what happened. 


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    Lindsey | Hernando County, FL

    Hernando County, FL

    A new Mom, entitled to 10 more months of postpartum coverage, had to go to her DCF office 3 times to advocate for reinstatement of her Medicaid coverage, along with coverage for her young son who was also erroneously terminated.


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    Tanya | Duval County, FL

    Duval County, FL

    DCF terminated Medicaid coverage for Tanya and her entire family saying that she had not completed her renewal application, even though she had done so nine days before the coverage was due to end.


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    Sandra | Duval, FL

    Duval County, FL

    After DCF mistakenly sent notices to the wrong address, Sandra’s children lost their Medicaid and much needed health care coverage.



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    Liza M.J. | Miami-Dade County, FL

    Miami-Dade County, FL

    What it’s Like to be Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer and Then Have Your Insurance Terminated!


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    Carlos | Orange County, FL

    Orange County, FL

    Thanks to continuous Medicaid coverage throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Carlos was able to receive treatment and medication for his back injury and depression. Now, that is ending and Carlos will no longer have access to the health care coverage he needs because Florida does not make coverage available to low-income parents like him.


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    Dylan | Lee County

    Lee County, FL

    Dylan, who suffered a stroke at birth which left him totally and permanently disabled, has relied on Medicaid for his entire life. His Mom has managed to raise him at home, but she just got a notice that his Medicaid was ending.


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    Fay | Polk County, FL

    Polk County, FL

    The sudden, confusing and chaotic loss of critical health care leaves Floridians like Fay with no options.


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    Why millions on Medicaid are risk of losing coverage in the months ahead

    Nassau County, FL

    As a single parent with serious health issues Marie* has relied on Medicaid to cover her essential medications and therapy. That coverage has now abruptly ended.


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    James B | Milton, FL

    Milton, FL

    James is trying to get important medical care before his Medicaid coverage ends. After that, he will not have access to health care coverage because Florida has not expanded Medicaid to people like him.


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    Melissa B | Milton, FL

    Milton, FL

    Melissa had Medicaid since the spring of 2020, but then her providers began charging copayments she could not afford, and her notices made no sense.


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    Cassidy | Clay County

    Clay County, FL

    A COVID "silver lining" for Florida's most medically fragile children will soon be ending.


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    Iris | Miami, FL

    Orlando, FL

    Hard working students and youth could face the loss of needed health coverage. Once the Public Health Emergency ends, Florida residents like Iris, a college student with asthma, could lose access to affordable healthcare needed for life-saving medications.


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    En Español

    S.T. | Hollywood, FL

    Hollywood, FL

    S.T. and her family are living on the edge, hanging on to their family’s Medicaid health insurance amid the COVID-19 pandemic, living in fear of losing the healthcare that keeps them alive.


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    En Español

    Nicole S. | Tampa, FL

    Tampa, FL

    The Life-changing Power of Medicaid Coverage for Domestic Violence Survivors During a Public Health Emergency


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    ABC News

    July 1, 2023

    Under Florida’s Plan, children with complex medical needs like Penelope were supposed to have their redeterminations postponed until the end of the Medicaid “unwind” period. (April 2024). But some parents of gravely ill children have suddenly learned that their child’s Medicaid had ended. Fortunately, the Florida Health Justice Project’s was able to help Penelope get back on Medicaid.


    Click here for more coverage of Floridians losing Medicaid and problems with the state’s redetermination process. 


    NPR Article

    August 23, 2023

    The lawsuit, which was filed as a class action by Florida Health Justice Project and the National Health Law Program, challenges the notices used to alert people that their Medicaid coverage is ending. As alleged in the suit, low-income individuals who are losing Medicaid coverage have no idea if the State is making the right decision and whether (or how) to challenge their loss of coverage if they think the termination decision is wrong.


    Read Complaint


    Read Declarations from Plaintiffs: Chianne D., Jennifer V.


    Read Press Release


    Ending The Continuous Medicaid Coverage Requirement Video

    April 10, 2023

    The video and portal materials have been created as a training tool and resource for legal services staff, navigators, and others who are assisting recipients during the “unwinding” of the pandemic-related continuous Medicaid coverage requirement.


    Visit Portal and Watch Video

    Advocate Referral Form

    April 20, 2023

    Medicaid is complicated, and recipients who receive a termination notice may be confused. The Florida Health Justice Project (FHJP) can provide Medicaid eligibility assessments, including whether the termination notice appears (in)correct and the client's legal rights. For clients who want to be referred to FHJP, please complete this form (English) or this form (Español) and hit the Submit Button. 

    Advocate Referral Form

    January 17, 2024

    This Toolkit is intended to help Medicaid recipients and their advocates better understand the termination notice, determine whether an appeal is appropriate, and navigate the appeal process.


    Read Toolkit








  • Additional Relevant Resources

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  • Read STORIES Of Other Floridians

    Relying On Medicaid

    Former Foster

    Care Children





    Seniors and People

    With Disabilities

  • Share Your Story

    Join us in our work for health justice in Florida. Let your voice be heard! Please contact us:

    • If you have lost Medicaid since April 2023 or are currently on Medicaid and are concerned about losing coverage.

    Sharing your story --in your words and your voice-- is essential.

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    of Floridians who need health care coverage.

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    Your support will help us educate the public, the media and policymakers about the

    "The Lived Experience" of Medicaid recipients and their families.

  • We are grateful to the National Health Law Program (NHeLP) for their support of the

    "Medicaid | The Lived Experience" STORIES Project.

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