• Medicaid | The Lived Experience:

    Share Your Story

    Medicaid is an essential program for over 4 million Floridians

    --particularly in light of the COVID pandemic. Yet Florida is one of 12 states that has not expanded Medicaid


    Now, more than ever, the public, the media and policymakers need to see and hear the STORIES of individuals and families who rely on Medicaid.

  • Lights, Camera, Advocacy!

  • Simple, Easy and Quick

    Watch this short Soapboxx guide, review the details for each step in the process, then get ready to record your video.

  • STEP 1

    Record your story.


    First, think about what you want to say. Your video can only be between 20-180 seconds in length. Remember to have good light and good microphone sound when recording. Then click the “Record Video” button and start recording.

    STEP 2

    Submit your video.


    If you don’t like the video you recorded, you can retake it. When you have a version you like, click "Submit" and fill out the submission and consent form. You can also record your video then upload it later using the app.

    STEP 3

    Render & Animation Process.


    When you submit the video, Soapboxx will do a quick review to ensure that it is in line with their terms. They will add subtitles in your own language so anybody can watch the video - with or without sound - and add our logo to your video, giving it a clean and refined look.

    STEP 4

    Your video is ready to share.


    Once your video is approved, Soapboxx will send you the link in an email. Then, you can share the video on your social media accounts, and let your followers know you support Medicaid in Florida! We will also share your video on our website and social media accounts.

  • Share These Types of Medicaid Experiences

    There are 5 specific types of Medicaid experiences that we are featuring for the "Medicaid | The Lived Experience" project. Read the description for each below, then determine which best categorizes the experience you wish to share.


    Remember that your video can only be between 20-180 seconds in length. So after determining the type of Medicaid experience you want to discuss, take time to consider what you would like to say in those 20-180 seconds of recording time.






    Record a video sharing your experience about your child and Medicaid.



    Discuss if your child was helped by Medicaid coverage -or- if your child is being denied coverage for a treatment that your healthcare provider says is necessary like speech therapy, prescription drugs, home health care and durable medical equipment.

    Former Foster Care Children

    Former Foster Care Children



    Record a video sharing your experience as a former foster care child and Medicaid.



    Discuss if you are a former foster care child who has benefited from Medicaid coverage to age 26 -or- if you are a former foster care child who lost your Medicaid coverage prior to your 26th birthday.

    Pregnant Women





    Record a video sharing your experience with pregnancy and Medicaid.



    Discuss if you were helped by Medicaid coverage while pregnant as well as if you were denied coverage -or- were unable to access pregnancy-related services, like a midwife

    -or- are at risk of losing your coverage after 60 days postpartum.

    Low-Income Parents





    Record a video sharing your experience being a low-wage earning parent and Medicaid.


    Discuss if you are a low-wage earning parent and your child was helped by Medicaid coverage -or- if you are at risk of losing your Medicaid coverage if/when your income increases beyond the mandated limit -or- when your child turns 18 years of age.

    Seniors and People with Disabilities

    Seniors and People with Disabilities


    Record a video sharing your experience as a senior -or- a person with disabilities and Medicaid.


    Discuss if you are helped by Medicaid coverage, including Medicaid home and community services (HCBS) -or- if you are unable to get needed medical services, including home health HCBS services in order to stay in your home and out of a nursing home.